“Are you kidding me!”
... exclaimed my wife as I was hopping out of the car for a closer look. The cushions didn’t catch my eye but the wood frame sure did. A lot of us midcentury furniture lovers fantasize about situations like this; when someone who doesn’t realize what they have puts a classic piece of furniture out at the road. Well, this wasn’t quite that exactly as you probably wouldn’t have reused this particular sofa, and it wasn’t a Herman Miller piece, but the design is what intrigued me. The large one-piece front frame plate that comes up to support the arms and the wider arms themselves are just classic cabin furniture with a distinctly modern twist, and the entire piece was floating on a recessed plinth. I snapped some quick photos and got back into the car.“You are not coming back for that junk,”
... she said earnestly.“I know, I don’t have a truck,”
... I said with a big wide smile of glee that comes with the unexpected discovery of cool vintage furniture.
About a year later we were looking for inspiration for an outdoor sofa and I recalled the piece I had seen along that winding lakeside road. Showing it to the design team at Loll (Jeff, Nate, and Myself) we all thought we could recreate it in Loll fashion with our plastic and updated cushions and fabric. So we did.